Politics aside, election years are learning grounds for GIS professionals. The many moving parts within the process at local, regional, and national levels generally hinge on data that fuels redistricting, voter engagement, election management, and other fundamentals.
GIS election analysis gives election officials better control. Location intelligence streamlines labor-intensive activities leading up to and through the ballot box, and even plays a role in results consolidation through:
1. Heightened visualization
Having locations mapped gives workers and voters a better understanding of precincts, locations, and their interrelationships — a particular asset when scoping in-field activities.
2. Improved communication
GIS largely eliminates the information lag traditionally caused by manual data-gathering. Better internal and external communication translates to faster, more accurate insights being readily disseminated to voters and citizens who are then more likely to remain engaged with the election process.
3. Proactive data management
Elections can be decided on assets and resources. Maintaining sharp focus on data surrounding these key areas is of highest priority, and among some of the easiest objectives GIS election analysis can help accomplish given data-driven analytics.
4. Real-time problem-solving
While mainly the exception rather than the rule, issues can arise at any point — and at any location — within an election. Be it precinct, personnel, polling place, or some other challenge, having location intelligence available helps election officials keep a bead on trends that may signal the need for intervention. Much like its recent use in the 2020 census, GIS data enables real-time decision making and solutions implementation.
5. Easy collaboration
As with public health and climate change, location intelligence makes granular data readily accessible to individuals or groups tasked with monitoring, sharing, and applying the findings gleaned from GIS election analysis. Collaboration can be ongoing and accomplished more accurately and in a fraction of the time previously spent using manual methods.
At the most basic level elections are data-driven, making location intelligence an ideal tool for optimization of decision-making, operations, and a host of other initiatives. Understanding the power and potential of GIS in this forum will continue to improve processes, much like its application in these 7 Surprising Use Cases for GIS in 2020. Click the button below for your copy of this informative guide.
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