The ADCi Blog has been a helpful resource for GIS professionals, developers, fleet managers, and more seeking advice about digital map data and services. Readers have come to depend on the insightful commentary, and we have our subscribers to thank for our blog’s success.
As we look forward to 2020, let’s take a look back at the four most popular articles of 2019:
- Shapefile vs. File Geodatabase: Which Is Right For You? compares and contrasts two popular spatial data storage formats to guide you in selecting the file format that aligns with the way you use data, your own GIS experience, and critical project requirements.
- CASE STUDY: TomTom MultiNet Connects Map Data and Smaller EMS Providers explores how Code 3 Consulting, LLC, leverages TomTom Multinet and ADCi expertise to help small- and mid-sized emergency service providers successfully overcome the limitations brought about by a lack of accurate map data and easy access to it.
- CASE STUDY: HERE and ADCi Keep Fleet Management Software Company on Road to Success demonstrates how GFI Systems, Inc., successfully took its customized fleet management software products and solutions company from paper mapping to one of the world’s first cloud-based SaaS models. It was all made possible by using HERE’s Platform’s map APIs offered through a partnership with ADCi.
- ADCi and BuildingFootprint USA: Map Data Solutions for Indoor Spaces describes the importance of BuildingFootprintUSA Shapes and BuildingFootprintUSA Addresses. These data solutions help public sector and governmental entities, utility companies, insurance providers, telecommunication companies, and mobile location/ad technology service suppliers access map data that captures an advanced geospatial layer of nationwide building footprints. This allows for accurately locating, analyzing, and visualizing building interiors anywhere in the nation.
It’s been an innovative year in digital mapping, and we want to make sure you’re positioned to use digital map data and services to your best advantage in 2020 and beyond. Contact ADCi to discuss your needs and our solutions!