
Location Services from an Industry Leader


HERE Technologies can be tapped into to help your business grow with various HERE Location Services, which intelligently integrate HERE’s map data into a number of different services for different industries.

API Services

HERE Map Rendering
  • Map Image API: Integrate personalized static map images into applications with access to a variety of styles and the ability to overlay custom data.
  • Maps API for JavaScript: Programming interfaces that let you build web applications featuring interactive HERE Maps.
  • Raster Tile API: Build applications using maps and satellites with a variety of map styles and display options.
  • Advanced Raster Tile: This feature highlights the display of roads based on the restrictions and displays road signs specific to trucks or other special vehicles.
  • Vector Tile API: Access vector tiles with HERE data. Use customizable and interactive map styles to support individual business needs.
  • Advanced Vector Tile: Includes premium optional content such as advanced points of interest and advanced roads.


HERE Geocoding & Search
  • HERE Geocode & Search API: Create applications for users to search for points of interest, forward/reverse geocode addresses, and geo-positions within the HERE map
  • HERE Reverse Geocode API: Find the nearest address to specific geo-coordinates.
  • HERE Multi Reverse Geocode API: Multi Reverse Geocode allows the retrieval of up to one hundred address locations with one request.
  • HERE Batch Geocode API: Asynchronously geocode large sets of data in one batch. 
  • HERE Reverse Batch Geocode API: 

    Asynchronously reverse-geocode large sets of data in one batch.

  • HERE Autocomplete API: Autocomplete responds with suggestions, which include complete addresses and identifiers of the result objects.

  • HERE Autosuggest API: Autosuggest improves user search experience by using free-form, incomplete and misspelled addresses or place names.
  • HERE Discover API: Discover simplifies searching for places. The user submits a free-form text request that returns candidate items (places and addresses related) in the order of intent matching relevance.
  • Speed Limits: Displays speed limits and travel directions of the road where the result access position is located.
  • EV Charge Points: Navigate and optimize battery consumption - plan your EV journey and optimize energy consumption with automatic charging stopovers along your route.
HERE Routing
  • Routing Car: Car routing mode allows calculation of car-specific routes, using real-time and historical traffic information.
  • Routing Bicycle: Bicycle routing uses the pedestrian road network, where roads are considered to be open for cycling.
  • Routing Pedestrian: The pedestrian transport mode calculates the best route for pedestrians. It takes into account how easy it is for pedestrians to maneuver between links in the route while disregarding traffic conditions.
  • Routing Scooter / Two-Wheeler: Used for in-city travel and transportation. In scooter routing, the API avoids highways and applies a speed cap of 60 km/h.
  • Routing Taxi / Bus: Bus and taxi modes take into account bus/taxi restricted streets as well as streets reserved for exclusive bus/taxi access.
  • Routing Truck: Route calculations in truck routing take into account truck-related restrictions and other user-specified truck options.
  • Time Aware Routing: Time-aware routing enables the API to handle time-dependent restrictions in an optimal way; calculating the route in a way that respects time zones (including daylight saving time) and time-related events such as traffic, seasonal closures, time-restricted maneuvers, and high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes.
  • Routing EV: The EV routing features of the API extend the routing service with electric vehicle specific options. Routing responses can contain details of energy consumption of the vehicle on the route. Route calculations can also add charging stations to the route, to ensure that destination can be reached without running out of energy, while still optimizing the result for overall travel and charging time.
  • Toll Costs: Calculate the total cost due for road usage and specify many toll-relevant vehicle parameters, like weight, width, length, height, trailer height or fuel type.
  • Route Import: Get a list of routes that can be used to consume additional map attributes on the driven path and other parameters such as ETA, traffic incidents, etc.
HERE Matrix Routing
  • HERE Matrix Routing API: Lets you request route summary matrices that are based on the routes between origins and destinations. This resource allows for a variety of additional parameters to be considered such as traffic, vehicle type, and more.
HERE Isoline Routing
  • HERE Isoline Routing API: Refine your search by travel time, maximum travel distance, and even the available fuel or charge level of a vehicle. 
HERE Route Matching
  • HERE Route Matching API: Match GPS traces to their corresponding roads and access map attributes on driven paths and analyze driving reports.
HERE Transit
  • HERE Public Transit API: Find public transit options using public and agency data.
  • HERE Intermodal Routing API: Combining four transport types (vehicle, transit, taxi, rented), Intermodal Routing API provides a better routing experience for cities.
HERE Map Attributes
  • HERE Map Attributes API: Get core map data in a detailed, layered format.
HERE Positioning
  • HERE Network Positioning API: Use radio network data to build applications requiring location estimates. (Note: Familiarity with relevant cellular and WLAN technologies is required)
  • HERE HD GNSS Positioning & HERE A GNSS Positioning: This cloud-based service allows sub-meter positioning for mobile devices to offer improved overall position accuracy.
HERE Waypoints Sequencing
  • HERE Waypoints Sequencing API: Find out which waypoints on your journey are worth visiting, and determine the order in which they should be visited.
HERE Traffic
  • Traffic API: Provides real-time traffic flow and incident information.
  • Advanced Traffic API: Provides information about how traffic is moving along specific roadways. For each segment of the road network that is covered, this API can provide speed values, along with additional information characterizing the traffic conditions and information for specific lanes of a multilane roadway, motorways, freeways and major roads. 
  • Traffic Vector Tile API: allows you to request traffic tiles containing vector data for HERE real-time traffic flow and incident information. Traffic vector tiles contain specific traffic information and geometries, such as points and lines, that define polygons that are typically passed to a renderer to create a map.
  • Traffic Raster Tile API: Allows you to request traffic raster tile images and is optimized to work with HERE Raster Tile API allowing for tile images to be rendered as PNG and PNG-8 formats to represent traffic flow information graphically.
HERE Destination Weather
  • Destination Weather API: Delivers accurate and contextual weather updates, alerting drivers of changing conditions along their journey no matter where they are located.
HERE Tour Planning
  • HERE Tour Planning API: Optimize routes for multiple vehicles that’ll be touring different locations while accounting for real-world limits, such as capacity and delivery time.


Asset Management

Use the HERE APIs to reverse geocode your assets to display its location, calculate routes, derive analytics and provide safety alerts.

Location Mapping

The HERE APIs can be used to view maps, calculate routes and perform location searches.

With ADCi as Your Partner

We'll Assist You in Finding and Setting Up the Right HERE License Your Business Requires


Do your drivers need to find the best route for delivery? Does your fleet need to know where to locate their customers? Are you in charge of keeping track of assets on the factory floor? Whatever the case may be, our experts know HERE products and services inside and out and can select and install the best license for the job.

To help guide you along the way, we’ve created a handy guide called Should I License Map Data Or a Map API Platform? In it, you’ll learn how to leverage each one based on a number of factors, including security and speed. Click below to access your free copy today, and please feel free to call us with any questions.


HERE Data Hub Pro

Knowing map and location data immediately is critical to the success of many industries — especially those with fleets or delivery drivers. With HERE Data Hub, you can access and manage large amounts of location and map data, and provide a quick analysis of what that data means and how you can use it to further your objectives.
HERE Data Hub Pro allows you to access and edit data on the go, with all changes reflected immediately. It can integrate with your existing tools, making for a shorter learning curve and faster implementation. 
HERE Data Hub Pro lets you:


Control Huge Datasets


Create Data Visualizations


Your Data


Build Apps Using Your Data

HERE differentiates itself from other APIs in a number of ways, and you can get an in-depth look at how the HERE Location Services differ from other APIs when you read our fact sheet, What Sets HERE Location Services Apart From Other Mapping APIs? We invite you to click the link below to access your free copy today.

What Sets HERE Location Services Apart From

Other Mapping APIs?

There’s no need to provide a mediocre location-based experience when you can transform your digital mapping performance!
