Jim Reid
Vice President
Tell Us About Yourself
How long have you worked at ADCi?
Since February of 1996
Started my career in retail (10 years) and in sales ever since. Came to Wisconsin in 1987 as Director of Sales for Wisconsin Tissue Mills (now Essity)
Although I was born in Florida, I grew up in Baltimore, MD, and call that my hometown.
What's best about working at ADCi?
I enjoy working with the people. Everyone pulls together to serve the customers to the best of our ability. You never hear “that’s not my job.”
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
My hobbies are playing golf, travel and volunteering. I play 100 rounds of golf per year now that I’m semi-retired and I enjoy every round. Volunteering is quite rewarding because I’m very lucky to be blessed with a good life and it’s fun “giving back.”
Where is your favorite place to travel to?
Australia, New Zealand, Iceland.
If you were an animal, what would you be?
What is your favorite place to eat?
Trulucks in Naples, FL
What can't you live without?
Comfortable shoes
What do you want most: flying cars, robot housekeepers, or cities on the moon?
Flying cars